me typing

Multiple Intelligences – Spiritual, Part 6


Dear Readers,

Thank you for your interest in this blog & your continued support.

From time to time I have received objections to my use of acronyms & abbrev.

I would like to offer some thoughts about it:

✤ In the past 10+ years I have written & published over 1,350 posts! I have also written many more that are in the pipeline

✤ Each series of posts (by topic) takes many, many hours, & often weeks, to put together. With my readers always in mind, I go over each one 5-10 times to insure they are clear, logical & the best I can do. It’s inevitable that occasionally I’ll miss something, but Perfection is never a goal!

✤ For each individual post much time is spent researching relevant articles, (listed near the top of the page & throughout), as added-value to the topic. This includes noting references to info from other sourcesdoing researchscreen-shot-2017-02-07-at-5-10-52-pm

✤ I also take hours & hours to comb thru images to add flavor & clarity to each post. In many cases, when I can’t find what I want, I take yet more time to combine up to 6 images into the scene that fits the text

✤ I have rewritten many old posts correcting or revising when necessary, & breaking up the earliest ones that were originally too long

✤ I recently revised all the ‘sitemap‘ lists by year (2010-2016) to group topics together that were written at very different times, which also means going thru over 500 of the posts to re-set all their pub dates, as well as all the relevant links to other posts!

✤ Sitting at the computer for hours & hours & hours to do this work is my great love, but I’m a senior (now 77) w/ Fibromyalgia & other physical issues, making the task quite tiring. So I try to find ways to make my life a little easier, which includes a few shortcuts

NOTE: This is not the only place you’ll find such shortcuts, used mainly with phrases that are often repeated, as in my posts.
You may have seen scientific, medical & other type of articles which use acronyms, as well as in AL-Anon (ODAT, ACA, HP….), & psychology (PTSD, MBTI, NLP, MMPI….), medicine (MRI, EKG, CAT scan…..), in everyday life  (BLT, FYI, ASAP, VIP….)

MY REQUEST:willingness??
Since I have put so much effort & care into this work, would you be willing to put a little extra effort in as well – to learn the acronyms?

Of course, it’s fine if this doesn’t work for you.

Thank you,
Donna Marie

MBTI & Nardi : Brain ACTIVITY (#2)

PREVIOUS: Nardi – brain activity #1

SITE: NeuroScience & Type

The Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) is responsible for cognitive control, supervisory attention, orchestrating thought & action according to internal goals & values.
It provides top-down bias signals* to other brain structures, to guide the flow of activity along neural pathways. (IMAGES….➡️)

*Topdown bias:  Any scene/event contains many different objects or impressions competing for attention. Since the visual system had limited processing capacity, mental choices have to be made to accomplish a task, from among those possibilities. This is resolved in the visual cortex & the complex network in the frontal & parietal cortexes. (More….)

EXP: “A main source of top-down influence may come from neuronal systems which form working memory.”
If you’re looking for something specific (a friend’s face, your car, dinner from a menu ….), the brain pulls up similar images of it from its rolodex of experiences. This is a mental ‘hint’ of what to focus on, with the benefit of allowing you to temporarily ignore anything in the field of vision that’s ‘NOT’ the object wanted.


⬅️ The brain finishes developing around age 25, though as research shows, it can keep refining & shifting throughout our lives.  The 20 modules in Nardi’s BRAIN MAP correspond to actual brain anatomy, & the 2 areas behind the forehead are the busy ‘Executives’ (PFC). They help to regulate & synthesize inputs from the rest of the brain – the outermost areas to the deeper limbic system & brain stem.

EXP: Fp1 gets activated when we :
Show confidence. Stay focused & get organized. Clarify ideas, needs & goals. Make decisions & select among options. Be results-oriented & stay sharp. Screen out distractions & criticism. Evaluate situations according to principles / values. Notice & correct errors.
BUT, when overused, can become rigid, closed to new information (Brain Savvy Leadership“)
🔴 🔵 ⚫️
SAMPLE of 6 MBTI Types
Chart shows uses / purpose for the 16 data points on the scalp (modules), & how these 4 MBTI Types react.
Nardi said that a very high % of people who tested as the same MBTI Type had near-identical brain patterns.
NOTE – Modules in 1st column: Green for LEFT brain / Yellow for RIGHTan

SCANS ⬆️ :
The link between brain responses & Type is statistical, using a network-analysis technique. Images of neural networks indicate long-term wiring from years of habit, which likely support our Type’s preferences. There is activity in other brain areas for each of these 4 scans, not shown, but here the focus is on Blue = highest & Grey = medium activation, the same as the orange / yellow spaces shown above.

From Nardi’s YouTube comments on the co-owners of “Personality Lingo” :
❤️ MARY M. (author of “Our True Colors”)
She’s an empathizing, hearing, initiating, improvising, sensing Type.Extrovert (has most connections in the front).
“Senior Manager / Connector” N-F style : abstract & conceptual thinking, good with identity, imagination, deductions, metaphors & rapport.

🔷 Dr. ED R, Family Practitioner – He’s an analyzing, anticipating, linking, reflecting, synching Type.
Introverted Thinker “Back Office / Visual Engineer” style (many connections back of the cortex) – analytical reflective skills, good with facial recognition, recalling facts, narrative memory, reading, number crunching, strategy.

The P4-T6-O1-O2 square as the base typically indicate excellent ability at reading body language & facial expression, often seen in therapists, who understand people in a Right-brain way.

One person’s use of their Nardi scan
CHART was included in a post from VH, an INFJ who Nardi identified as most like an ENFP. ➡️
VH made his own set of comparisons, concluding that : “I’m an INFJ lacking solid activity in one rather crucial region of self-regulation (F2), causing my ADD, as well as my lean toward an ENFP way of self-expression, despite my INFJ thought-processes.

This also explains why I can come off like a Type 8, since low activity in this area can also create a certain degree of bravado & intensity. (“See what I did there? Brought thread back to EnneaTypes. Clever. I has it.)” (MORE….2/2019

⬅️ JUNG described aspects of our Psyche, which is systemic, dynamic, narrative, indefinite…. as having many contradictions, yet in combination it’s what makes each of us unique.

⬇️ Here Nardi’s scans show the different intensities of brain activity between the ‘normal’ waking state & a quiet ‘meditative’ state – which shows frontal brain activity mostly missing (see posts “Maslow: Transcendence“…. )

NEXT: Nardi – brain activity #3

MBTI – e & i THINKING Style (3a)

 PREVIOUS: e & i Intuitives, 2b

SITEE Thinking vs I Thinking

T-J: Architect, Systems Intelligence
T-P : Hacker, Tactical Intel.

Te : Project Intelligence
Ti : Analytical Intelligence


Inner dichotomy STACK Preferences (cont.)

A JUDGING Function: They (T & F) are referred to as ‘rational’ because they use deliberate cognitive reasoning. Input received from P has no meaning until the J function processes it.

T = THINKING makes linear assessment based on logical axioms. Decisions come from using cause/effect, if/then, true/false choices to reach validity. Analyzes whether info received makes sense or not.
EXP: Decides whether the concept of gravity works or not.
** T-types assess things based on whether or not they work (Te is not about how smart one is)

Te – Extroverted THINKING, outer directed 
Nicknames: Practical Logic , Effectiveness

Spot by: Having facts & assertive opinions. Seek logic & consistency in the outside world. Concern for external laws and rules

Q: “How do I implement this idea, or organize the world around me?”
Potential STRENGTH: leader, organizer
Potential WEAKNESS: controlling, rigid
Basic Desire: Organize outer world with reason & logic

Te perspective: Effectiveness – “More efficiency!”
It analyzes & optimizes external systems, methods, operations – to organize the external world, based on their logical structure. Concerned with external laws & rules.
Authoritative leadership brings order & accomplishments. Wants to do ‘what makes sense’,
EXP: Decides the concept of gravity works because i’s been seen in practice

IMAGE: Like an office, organized, & lets everyone know to get things done the right way
GIFT: Teaching – organizing the community for social justice
: (As Dom) Constraint in eyes & smile, seems a little uncomfortable. Minimal / optimal use of brain

• Te Dom types can seem bossy or know-it-alls, even when they genuinely mean well
• are extremely goal oriented. They’ll usually ask about your goals, subtly or overtly.
• enjoy talking about plans they’ve & the expected outcomes
• are bothered by inefficiency, & strongly dislike people being late or veering off topic when there’s work to be done
• will always argue from a results-based, purely practical standpoint
• will immediately jump to solving problem as quickly & effectively as possible, when asked for help
• These types usually advocate staying organized, setting goals and making whatever choice will get the best result


Ti = Introverted THINKING inner directed 
Nicknames: Theoretical Logic,  Accuracy

Spot by: being logical without any facts. Seeks internal consistency & logic of ideas.
Trusts an internal framework, which is hard to explain

Q: “How do I understand this idea ?”
Potential STRENGTH: rational, intellectual
Potential WEAKNESS: critical, socially awkward

Basic Desire: Organize inner world rationally, understand ideas

Ti perspective: Accuracy – “Well, technically….”. It has a deep inner understanding of what makes sense, exploring & refining systems, methods & strategies, based on a complex rules. Analyzes ‘how it is’, EXP: decides the concept of gravity works because it’s supported by facts

IMAGE: Like a science lab, because after the experiments, it can do a good job of analyze results
GIFT: Knowledge – assimilating complex concepts
Physically: (As Dom) critical stare, tight-lipped. Also minimal / optimized use of brain

• Ti Dom types
— are not interested in most small-scale decisions, & will avoid making them whenever possible
— require a great deal of alone-time. They aren’t shy about overtly ignoring others if they’re infringed on
— often have a grumpy or aloof surface, but a good sense of humor underneath
— may have trouble explaining something directly – tending to veer off & get lost explaining different parts of how something works
• in a conversation, they may ask slightly different versions of the same question several times, trying to figure out exactly how it fits with what they already know
• may zone out of conversations, as they relate what you’re saying to what they already know – & then zone back in to ask clarifiers
• These types usually advocate looking at things objectively, questioning everything, to ensure they understand a situation fully before making a decision about it.

NEXT: e & i Feeling

MBTI – e & i INTUITION Style (2a)

PREVIOUS: e & i Sensing, 1b

SITEs: Ns are smarter than Ss – includes IQs of famous people, & functions by %

iN-P : Catalyst + Change
iN-J : Visionary+Independent
iNe : Detective Patterns
iNi : Existenial Intel.

Inner dichotomy STACK Preferences (cont.)

N = INTUITION (Wisdom)
N-types need to think things through.  They gathers data through the world of ideas. Info is stored in abstract form, as concepts instead of details. Ninterprets the meaning behind info received. EXP: Determines the meaning behind the movie Inception.

Ne – Extroverted INTUITION, directed outwards
Nicknames: Exploration, Pattern Recognition of the Actual Present

Spot by:  Seeing Possibilities & connections in the external world.
Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which can then be shared with others

Q: “What could this be or is connected to?”
Potential STRENGTH: innovative, visionary
Potential WEAKNESS: indecisive, jumps from thought to thought

Basic Desire: See all possibilities, make cross-disciplinary connections

Ne perspective: Exploration, Possibilities – “What will happen 20 years from now?”.  Ne is about exploring the world of ideas, in multiplies possibilities & theories. Looks for what can be gathered from info & then expands on it in the environment. Wonders ‘what could be’, SO – determines that the movie Inception has many possible, unknown meanings.

• Ne Dom types experience bursts of high energy, followed by periods of being reclusive
• Ne Dom types bore quickly, & almost always have a new project in the works
• are quick-witted, gaining energy by debating ideas, & enjoy discussing possibilities most of all
• want to explore every side of a given situation, & are more likely to play ‘devil’s advocate’ than other types
• tend to jump from topic to topic with ease & enthusiasm, but can directly contradict themselves multiple times while speaking
• enjoy using metaphors to explain things – which are prone to becoming more & more complex as they go along, which they love.
• These types usually advocate keeping options open, exploring all possibilities, & taking an unconventional approach to solving problems.


Ni – Introverted INTUITION, inner directed
Nicknames: Perspectives , Recognition about Future

Spot by: Having a Singular goal, inner vision. Looks at consistency of ideas & thoughts, with an internal framework.
Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which may be hard for others to understand.

Q: “What is or will be under the surface?”
Potential STRENGTH: perceptive, understanding
Potential WEAKNESS: stubborn about beliefs, but won’t back the up

Basic Desire: See & understand deep truths

Ni perspective: Future, Perspective – “Something’s going to happen tomorrow”.
Ni is about converging a large body of info into insights, answers & theories. It synthesizes internal concepts to predict possibilities, tying unrelated stored info to create new ideas. A way to determine ‘what will be’, SO – determines that the movie Inception has only one possible, known meaning

IMAGE: Like a weather-forecasting stone, able to feel things & then tell what’s about to happen
GIFT: Insight, foresight – able to perceive upcoming changes
: As Dom – distant eyes, late or awkward smile. Draws on entire mind to foresee

• Everything an Ni Dom type does is deliberate. One can get the sense they’ve carefully (but covertly) planned out their actions & words
• Ni dominant types usually pause to fully take in and consider what you have said in conversation before replying.
• Ni dominant types often give off a stoic or “Zen” vibe.

• may ask a lot of questions in conversation, which tend to be open-ended I.e. “Can you tell me more about that,” As opposed to, “When did that happen?”
• prefer sticking to one topic at a time, but feel the need to ‘explain around’ it if they can’t get their point across concisely
• may also return to a topic of conversation weeks later, having processed & analyzed what you’ve said more fully
• enjoy talking about future possibilities in a linear fashion, & seem to have a lot of ‘epiphanies’ or ‘realizations.’
• These types usually advocate thinking through options carefully, optimizing experiences, always keeping long-term objectives in mind.

NEXT: Thinking

MBTI – STACKS Basics (Part 3)


SITE: How each MBTI type Processes Their Own & Others’ Emotions

Complete description of each type’s stack – see sidebar



NOTES re. Stacks
• As stated in Part 2, each preference is either Introverted or ExtrovertedIs are directed inward & generally private, while Es are directed outward & interact with the world.   EXP:
💗 Judging Extroverts (EnfJ, EstJ…..) always lead with a dominant J function (T or F), so may seem the most ‘J’ of any type   (CHART —->)

💚 Judging Introverts (IstJ, InfJ….) always lead with a dominant P (S or N), so will seem less ‘J-like’, making them more likely to be mis-typed as Ps by the casual observer

• Functions always alternate, based on which side of the center line the first one falls on (E or I)
• The Dominant & Inferior positions will always be opposites (#1 & #4)
• Stacks are always formed into JPPJ or PJJP, so the middle 2 are either both components of J or both of P (ISFJ = Si —- Ne / Fe – Ti )

• Types that share the same first & last functions (DOM /INF) are called “Brain or Dom buddies,” because they think quite alike. (INTP’s dom-buddy is ISTP, sharing Ti & Fe, but not their 2 middle functions)

HOW to figure the order of the stack
Always start with the person’s MBTI Type to see whether their Dominant (Dom) function is going to be E or I. Each stack includes all 4 options (S, N, T, F), in a specific order. (More….)

Reminder: Dominant & Auxiliary are always our MBTI Type’s 2 center letters.
🚦 all Js use T or F as their top 2 choices
 extrovert J functions (T or F) & introvert P functions (N or S) 

🚥 all Ps use S or N as their top 2 (Dom or Aux)
Perceivers extrovert P functions (N or S) & introvert J functions (T or F)

Another way of saying the same thing is:
▶︎ Introverts hide their DOM from immediate view, & show Aux:
• I–Js conceal Si or Ni (as DOM), & reveal Te or Fe (as AUX)
• I–Ps conceal Ti or Fi (as DOM), & reveal Se or Ne (as AUX)

▶︎ Extroverts reveal their DOM & hide Aux:
• E–Js reveal Te or Fe, & conceal Si or Ni (as AUX)
• E–Ps reveal Se or Ne, & conceal Fi or Ti (as AUX)

• As an E, the biggest oval has to be on the right side of the line
• As an E–J, the dominant (DOM) preference has to be a J function = F or T
• Since ESFJ has a preference for F rather than T, the only possible #1 position is Fe = extrovert Feeling. (Same for ENFJs)
• The bottom circle (“Inferior” preference) for this person has to be T on the I side – Ti = introverted Thinking, because #4 is always opposite the Dominant

NOW we can to fill in the 2 middle ovals – also alternating. We’ve used up the F & T (top & bottom) so we need to place S & N.
• Being an E, its Auxiliary position must be on the I side
• We see that ESFJ refers S rather than N, so it’s #2 preference is Si = introverted SensingThis is so because if it were in 3rd position, it wouldn’t be a preference.  (For ENFJ – #2 has to be Ni).
• The 3rd oval is left (Tertiary), & can only be Ne – extroverted iNtuition.
here the Dominant preference is on the I side
• As an I–P, this person’s Dom has to be Ti, hidden from immediate view (since xNxP extroverts its N function)
• Automatically we know the Inferior (#4 oval) is Fe 
• Having placed the T & F, the Auxiliary (#2) will be either S or N, & for the INTP, it can only be Ne
• So Tertiary (#3) is left with Si = introverted Sensing(MORE…. /ALSO…)


NEXT: Stacks #4

MBTI – STACKS Basics (Part 2)

PREVIOUS: MBTI Basics (3b)

SITE: Guide to becoming awesome : MBTI edition


STACK levels
❤️ Dominant (DOM) = largest oval – the ego’s strongest orientation, which is in the driver’s seat of our personality (function & attitude). It’s what we rely on & use regularly, the most trusted part of our Self. When engrossed in any activity which fully uses our Dominant, we feel alert, alive – what we were “born to do”

• For Is, it will be hidden, while Auxiliary is what others see first until better acquainted – so they may be mis-typed
• For Es, it’s reversed – their DOM is immediately visible, while the Auxiliary is hidden – at first
(Dominant P & Dominant Js)

💛 Auxiliary (AUX) = #2 position – tends to show up once Dominant is clear, developing in the teens & early 20s. We rely on these 2 functions to grow skills & learn who we are – if allowed!  To fully use our MBTI type we need a well-developed Auxiliary that can support Dominant.

NOTE: Since each stack level alternates on the E or I side, then if the DOM is a P function, the AUX will be a J – or vice-versa, & the opposite attitude of the dominant.  This is for the sake of cognitive balance – to provide data for or “informing” the Dom’s J choice, or organizing the Dom’s P choice with rational assessments, keeping us in touch with both inner & outer experience

Auxiliary is in the ‘passenger seat’ of our personality, needed to determine how we use the DOM, serving as support & equalizer. At its best it can be fully available to us & therefore easy to use, such as only having to learn something once

💚  Tertiary (TER) = 3rd, the Helper Function, a somewhat reliable resource to be called on, ‘though each of us will vary on how often we use it. In some stacks it will work hand in hand with Auxiliary, while in others 2 & 3 will bicker, wanting different things. Auxiliary usually wins, since it carries more weight.

Tertiary doesn’t control or lead, but can offer strength & support to the 2 above it. It’s like having a teenager in the back of the vehicle, who’s growing up but not there yet, so sometimes it’ll rise to the occasion, but not dependably
• can serve as brakes, reminding us of past stressors & warning of similar problems in future
• can provide relief from mistakes, to let us psychologically off the hook, or suggest a ‘way out’, encouraging new ways of living
• isn’t that easy to access unless it’s deliberately developed – which can happen for some people, but usually not until middle age

💜 Inferior (INF) = the 4th is often called a “weakness”, which is a misinterpretation of what MBTI describes. It should be identified as a lower conscious function.
SO: the Dom is always on, 2nd is the creative (can be switched on), 3rd is the relief function (used for feeling better) AND the inferior is your subconscious driving force. (CHART of preference order by Type)

• Normally our brain will actively avoid it, but when forced to be engaged, it’ll feel unpleasant, stressful & very draining. For most of us – like the baby in the back of the vehicle – it’s what we’re weakest at, because it’s (usually) the least developed

• It can emerge as part of a developmental stage but undeveloped, so Dom tends to think Inferior gets in the way, shoving it aside as often as possible.

• It’s also called the ‘Danger’ Function, because under pressure it can pop up at the wrong time & misbehave, with negative consequences. It can start ‘crying’ when we’re stressed & tired, seen as childish, so we tend to shy away from using it.
If we spend too much time in the Danger zone (in a Loop), our Primary & Helper functions will step aside or burn out, leaving us at the mercy of the lesser ones

• However, Inferior is an under-estimated powerful Personality Factor. It can indeed be cultivated – usually in middle age – making us better off. Discovering Inferior’s gifts can provide positive opportunities & adventures (More in future posts)

NEXT: MBTI Stack Basics #3

MBTI – STACKS Basics (Part 1)


SITEs: • MBTI links  // MBTI’s 4 dichotomies explained 
How each MBTI type Processes Their Own & Others’ Emotions

Once we identify & appreciate our personal Type, we can go deeper into understanding our personality. 
The MBTI is not about knowledge, skills or abilities. Neither does knowing our type (ISFJ, ENTP….) force us to rigidly limit our options. We all have the ability to be flexible to choose & change behavior patterns that are immature or self-defeating, even while our underlying preferences remain the same.

To increase our self-awareness & flexibility, & to better appreciate how others are similar or different from ourselves, the MBTI provides a way to specify the mental faculties which help us make sense of the world.
They’re based on our type, but use only the 2 middle dichotomies, also called Cognitive Functions, which are the ‘heart’ of this typing system.

These show how we gather info (S=Sensing <—-> N-Intuition) & make decisions (F-feeling <—–> T-thinking), becoming 8 possibilities:
Extroverted functions (e) : Se, Ne, Te, Fe and
✥ Introverted functions (i) : Si, Ni, Ti, Fi
– combining into 16 STACKS –
 the 4 dichotomies in specific order for each of the 16 MBTI types.  EXP: Small chart ↗️ shows the Stack for all INTJ people

✳ Our strongest preference is called Primary or Dominant, the next is Auxiliary, then Tertiary & lastly Inferior (weakest). Each Personality Type is referred to by its top two choices. Introverted functions are the ones we use internally, & the extroverted ones are used to interact with the world around us. (Formula for creating stacks and chart of all stacks – in #3c)

PURPOSE: Even though we only have 2 of the 4 choices in our Type (2 center letters), every stack will include all 4, indicating our thought process – NOT our behavior. It tells us the order of our mind’s/ brain’s thinking-steps: how we think, what we think of first, how we solve problems…. The same functions will show up differently in each Type, even the same Type, depending on their orientation (e/i, and j/p)

The order of their importance to us (our stack) comes from our genetic makeup, so it won’t change what it is throughout our life. But how it’s used & to what extent – can be modified or improved if necessary, by ironing out any inherent kinks.
Over the course of our life, different preferences may rise to the top & be used more often, as well as more easily – called Type Development.
EXP: Sometimes a Primary Thinker may decide things using their feelings, a Primary Feeler may make decisions logically, Ps can be very structured, & Js might go with the flow…..

✥ The 2 functions for gathering information (2nd dichotomy) – used to Perceive / see (p) things – are EITHER:
• Sensing (pS), looking for details & current realities
• Intuition (pN), seeing patterns, underlying meaning & future possibilities

✥ The 2 for organizing info & making decisions (3rd dichotomy) – used to Judge (j) / evaluate things – are EITHER:
• Thinking (jT), deciding based on principles, systems & logical consequences -OR-
• Feeling (jF), deciding based on harmony, values & consequences to people (MORE re J vs P).

This table shows the distribution of cognitive functions between the genders in a theoretical population of 1 million….. it shows that the most common Perceiving functions are Si & Se, and the most common Js are Fe, Fi & Te.
This jibes with official statistics which identify SPs (Sensing Perceivers) SJs (Sensing Judgers) as the most common types. (in the USA ?)

Knowing our Cognitive Stack can help us TO:
• Explore ways to better develop our career, create or enhance our leadership style, & improve our communicate skills
• Appreciate diversity in working styles, & to understand organizational & team culture – which can improve working relationships
• Develop strategies to solve problems & resolve conflict
• Manage difficult or stressful changes, & understand stress reactions

NEXT: MBTI Stacks basics #2

MASLOW – Transcendence, Level #8 (Part 1)

PREVIOUS: Additional Levels

POSTs: ‘Spiritual Resilience – 1 & 2′


To rise above or go beyond the limits of a situation
▪︎ To triumph over negative or restrictive aspects of something
▪︎ A state of being or existence above & beyond material experience

Most Self-actualization traits involve making everyday life more enjoyable.
Self transcendence (SC),
on the other hand, is not about competing with others for basic (B) needs, but a personal journey of self-discovery. It requires personal effort – the willingness to change – with an awareness that succeeding is a combination of the personal “little I” & the bigger, universal “I”. Mystical experience is a particularly advanced state of self-transcendence, in which the sense of a separate self is temporarily abandoned altogether

As one of the developers of Humanistic Psychology, Maslow had an extremely positive view of humanity – valuing man’s goodness, dignity & intelligence. Spirituality is then mainly about personal development, connecting with other people & the world of nature.

Maslow’s systematic works, like The Psychology of Being, didn’t focus on the treatment of various pathologies (as Freud did), but rather on understanding & defining humans in their optimal state, especially regarding ‘peak’ experiences & self-fulfillment. Ordinary human unhappiness was ‘too easy’ to find. He wanted to encourage the healthy core of people achieve self-actualization, with which the highest spiritual good is realized.

“The fully developed (& very fortunate) human being, working under the best conditions, tends to be motivated by values which transcend his Self…. My satisfaction with achieving or allowing justice…. is equally outside & inside: therefore, it has transcended the geographical limitations of the self.” (1969)

Maslow believed striving for these highest needs is instinctive – beyond self-interest, considering wider holistic principles for the greater good, in service to others, & the pursuit of causes bigger than any individual

He thought Transcenders would be highly religious – regardless of which type, indicating his theory had a broad social application: “Culture is absolutely needed for their actualization, but it can also fail to actualize them, & indeed this is just what most known cultures actually seem to do, & have done throughout history.”

He pointed out that, if successful, self-trancenders often crave peak experiences. Beyond the routine of fulfilling deprivation (D) needs (#1-6), some people have extraordinary deep moments of understanding, love, even rapture, making then feel more alive, whole & empowered, yet a part of the world. They’re more aware of goodness, harmony, justice, truth….

Peaks are exciting & elaborate situations which become the most important things in their lives – the most precious & validating – their high spots. It could explain why some people gravitate to jobs such as policeman or firefighter, putting their lives at risk for others. (“PEAK” in biz)

Maslow believed such states are mostly emotional & temporary but not always flukes – there are people who can access them easily. He also thought that some self-trancenders may be saddened by realizing that others don’t have such hight moments. While he said that mature people (self-actualized) are most likely to have peak experiences, he felt everyone had the potential.

From Students’ Peak Experiences (1985), James Polyson found that most :
— occurred during athletic, artistic, religious or nature experiences
— during intimate moments with a friend or family member….
— when students achieved an important personal or collective goal….
— overcame some adversity or danger — or by helping someone in need

💙 However, Maslow eventually noted that with age, the intensity of the highs gives way to a gentler, more lasting state of quiet between the “orgasmic peaks of the mystic gone wild”. This he called high plateau experiences (more mental), which can be cultivated through conscious, diligent effort.

At the end of his life he cautioned against the ‘‘Big-Bang’’ theory of self-actualization, recognizing the need to value ‘patience for the awesome elements in ordinary existence’, combining miraculous & normal consciousness (Maslow, 1970), a state said to be the true & final goal of the mystic’s endeavors

“With today’s ‘fast food spirituality’ there is a pressing need to understand both the positive & negative poles of self-transcendence. Ferrer (2002) points out that Western transpersonal psychology’s emphasis on experiential processes & peak states…. have often neglected the proper preparations, maturity, & ethical scaffolding long-standing spiritual traditions usually provide” (Nicole Gruel, AU)

NEXT: Transcendence  #2

DIFFICULT People – Intro

PREVIOUS: Introvert Children

SITEs:  How to Tell if You Are Self Absorbed




As ACoAs, as kids – we had no choice but to become enmeshed with our specific set of Difficult People, brainwashed into accepting their messages without question and ignore the damage it did to us. We were at their mercy, & rarely if ever did we get help to cope with them, or learn how to protect ourselves in healthy ways.

So, it’s imperative to identify & acknowledge what & who we have to deal with, instead of questioning our observation of dysfunction, or denying them completely.

Difficult people (D.P.) are manipulative, controlling & bratty – with most people, most of the time – functioning from defenses developed in response to a damaging background. Internally conflicted, their patterns are usually unconscious. Dedicated D.P. don’t like it when they can’t play out their shtick (pattern), or are called out on their negativity. When they don’t get what they want from one person or environment, they move on to the next innocent sucker.

DON’T IGNORE the red flags:
a. They rarely have empathy for others, &
b. Are always angry OR always miserable
While most people have one or more of the following characteristics – some of the time, in some circumstances – negative personality traits & attitudes of D. P. are entrenched, in the form of personality disorders (More….)

1. It’s all about them = They’re narcissistically opinionated, needing to be the center of attention. Dramatic & fueled by reactions from others – their life is like a soap opera. Asking “How are you?” will open a can of worms, & a story will turn into a novel

2. They’re Victims = They’ve never gotten over trauma – stuck in the past, telling & re-telling stories of pain, failures & guilt. They’ll reel you in by using illnesses, family & tragedy – as a manipulation to make you feel sorry for them

3. They never do a favor without collecting = They’re always scheming to get something for nothing – self-serving, with no shame or compassion. If they do you a favor – you’re going to pay for it, big time. They’ll keep reminding you of what they did & what you owe, even though you’ve also helped them in the past. But admitting that would not serve their interest

4. They’re oblivious = They’re have no idea what’s going on in reality – living in a world only they understand. They’re not dreamers & trailblazers, but rather in deep denial – undependable & irresponsible. They’re so vague it’s hard to have a serious conversation with them

5. They blame, gossip & whine = If they’re gossiping with you about others, they’ll do the same about you. They blame others for their troubles & whine to get attention. They complain about everyone – to you – but put on a big smile for the ones they just trashed.  (modified from

They’re some combination of :  • arrogant • disrespectful  • negative  • passive-aggressive  • pot-stirring  • selfish  • unmotivated & lazy • disregarding common decency or rules  • not responsible for their behavior

SIGNS of a Toxic Person (the more of these the more toxic)
NOTE – toxic people are not all overt in their treatment of others – like the bully & tanks. Some do it by withholding or being sneaky, but all have a harmful effect on others:
• Only what they think, feel & want matters
• They’re critical, controlling & never consider anyone else’s (your) needs
• They act like they’re fabulous & never make mistakes (perfect)
• The angry ones don’t care about your feelings & like to see you suffer
• They drag up your past & won’t let you be different from them
• They dominate conversations, & leave no room for you
• They spread gloom, & keep disappointing you

• Nothing you say or do is ever good enough
• They violate your boundaries, & never respect a ‘no’
• When you’re around them you walk on eggshells
• You ‘check out’ or ignore your own values
• They make fun of even the smallest actual or imagined flaw
• They leave you feeling guilty & ashamed of who you are
• They leave you wounded = feeling battered, bruised & torn apart

NEXT: Difficult types #1



SITEs: MBTI Types as animals, some famous people, + Cognitive Functions

Life of an Introvert – illustrated (heart map)

Are an E or an I?


I-ness = Introversion

HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS (modified from Dr Alice Boyes)
Get to know your BIS (Behavioral Inhibition System)
BIS is a brain-based system that prevents a person from moving forward when they have competing needs (achieve success while avoiding all negative outcomes), or conflicting motivations (pleasing a parent vs. pleasing oneself).

• People with a strong BIS tend to be highly anxious – worried about real or potential ‘punishment’ – which can include negative responses (criticism) or something positive taken away (loss of solitude)…… When faced with an internal dilemma, a strong ‘stop’ signal will kick in, OR they may start & then stop – unable to finish.

• Introverts (Is) with a particularly sensitive BIS can stay alert for punishment signals (being judged, ignored, disappointed….) & fend them off before getting run over by their BIS. Look for & accept rewarding opportunities in your daily life (complements, encouragement, praise, a raise…..) & learn to get as much of them as possible. (See post “Resilience – Traits : Positivity ratio“)

Accept & appreciate your Temperament
DEF: Personality is the whole person, & temperament is the basic force that drives a person to behave in certain ways, unique to them.

Introversion is neither a virtue nor flaw – just a natural part of ones personality. Many Is grow up being shamed by family & peers for being ‘different’, leaving them feeling ashamed for being ‘less-than’. That belief can now be corrected. (CHART….)

EXP: It’s normal for Is to be cautious about starting new relationships.
BUT, if you’re also brain-wired or been trained in childhood – to assume negatives first – it’ll slow connections even more. Work on looking for positive opportunities & risk reaching out once you’ve spent a little time observing how someone talks & acts. Trust your instincts.

EXP: It’s normal for Is to be focus inward – on being creative, paying attention to details & knowing things in depth.
BUT if you are also highly ambitious with a strong independent streak, you can become an entrepreneur, create a new product, fight inequality or ‘city hall’….
Identify long-term interests & passions, pursue them & self-correct when necessary. Explain your temperament when you need to, so others can understand your responses. (9 childhood aspects of temperament – some relating to I-ness)

Identify emotions
Is need time to process emotions privately, but also to share them with someone trustworthy. Learn to identify Emotions so you know when you’re experiencing them (no denial). Give yourself permission to experience them all, without judgment, finding healthy ways to handle them internally & then express them safely.

• You can experience emotions without violating your values, & continue pursuing your goals (actions), no matter what your feelings are (emotions). Being able to managing them well can let you do hard things when others might cop out

Know your I variation
<—– Introverts (& Es too) come in different ‘natural flavors’, as well as the way the 4 MBTI levels combine, in different proportions & orders of preference for each Type —–>
EXP: The order of preference for an ISTJ if their ‘stack’, based on the 2 middle levels, from strongest to least ‘natural’ (More….)
And be sure you know the difference between I-ness & insecurity. Confident people are: comfortable with their traits & abilities,  knowing they’re generally liked – which has nothing to do with being E or I

Identify Cognitive Distortions (CDs)
Is are just as susceptible to distorted thinking as Es, which has nothing to do with temperament. If you’re prone to be emotionally flooded because of CDs, such as B & W thinking, personalizing, catastrophizing, over-generalizing… can be held back in life. Learn about them, notice when they crop us, & then correct them, a little at a time

NEXT: I Growth (#2)