Forming Boundaries – with OTHERS (Part 2)

setting ;imits
it’s up to others to honor or ignore them


POST:   ‘ACoAs & Self-Esteem’

DEF : A boundary is a PMES space you put around yourself, & so do others for themselves

FORMING Boundaries (Bs) with OTHERS 

2. In Relation to OTHERS
a. Don’t punish others if they’ve forgotten your B. requirements. Consequences should be an inevitable outcome of the choices we each make. Outcomes (our reactions to them) may or may not feel like punishment to the B violator – depending on how intensely they’re still run by their WIC.

• If you feel a strong urge to punish someone for ignoring your requests, it would be best to work on yourself before talking to them again. While they did indeed ‘stepped on your toes’, you may have let the violation go on too long. or else you’re making it too personal. NOT everything is about us!

★ Persistent B violators act like that with everyone, or anyone who will let them!  Do rage work in private, share about it in Al-Anon & therapy, pray for patience, & talk or write to your Inner Child.
Then remind the other person again, OR tell them they’ve crossed the line for the last time!

ii. Make a plan of action for when someone severely violates your Bs (& somebody will!) :
a. Tell them what you don’t like about their behavior – be specific. If you’ve already talked to them about it, refer back to those conversations
b. Ask they to stop immediately – when this is a possibility. If they don’t, then strongly insist
c. Ask for help from your support system when stressed, especially if you feel in danger
d. If there are no other options, walk away with as much dignity as possible, without sarcasm or nasty get-even comments.

💗 Thank anyone who honors your boundaries

• You can not set Bs AND take care of someone else’s needs! They’re mutually exclusive

• When you feel angry, complaining, rageful, threatened, suffocated, victimized, whiny…..  it’s the pain of not having your Bs respected. These emotions are like flashing red lights telling you something’s wrong – something you don’t like, can’t stand or hate. It means you have to say or change something

• Talk to a Violator from your ADULT ego state,
— since you will inevitably get frustrated & annoyed with someone you love & don’t want to leave, who’s being a pain in the neck
— you may need to express your anger, to get past your resistance to speaking up. Anger makes us feel less vulnerable when we’re afraid —
— AND there are people who will only pay attention when you get ‘heavy’, but getting Adult-angry is not the same as being nasty (from the WIC or PP)

Avoid justifying yourself, apologizing for or rationalizing your needs – because it’ll sound like you don’t believe what you’re saying – so Violators won’t take you seriously either.
Say very little, OR offer a brief explanation – if appropriate & you feel ok doing it. It’s hard to be genuinely intimate with someone if you don’t tell them what’s bothering or hurting you

• At first you may feel afraid, ashamed or guilty when setting a Bs, so it’s it easier to let it slide.
— Do it anyway, the next time you see them – because it’s our job to let others know, & some don’t realize they’re trespassing
— Also, people don’t respect someone they can use, manipulate or control, even though they’ll try to get away with itangry at Bs

• Be prepared for anger, attacks, denial, opposition, resistance. Violators don’t like being reined in.
Don’t let their reactions make you doubt your rights! They’re just having a 2-yr olds’ tantrums when they don’t get their way. You have to be ready to enforce your needs, otherwise people will simply ignore you.

• The main prerequisite for good boundary setting is believing you have a right to them! When you’re sure, it will be clear to others even when you don’t say anything, AND fewer B-invaders will show up in your life

• ALSO: make a list of 5-10 ways you violate other people’s Bs. (ACoAs violating Bs) Work on correcting them.  You’ll  feel better about yourself!

NEXT: “What other think of me….”

4 thoughts on “Forming Boundaries – with OTHERS (Part 2)

  1. My daughter and I have a very volatile relationship! She has issues from her childhood that she has never wanted to talk about with me. She has written me a letter telling me how she feels about certain things that happened. Sometimes she has exploded or cried, and told me why, but then she wont continue the conversation and closes up again. She ignores me for weeks, doesn’t let me see her children, doesn’t invite me over, doesn’t answer my phone calls and I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. When I try to ask her why, she explodes again and tells me she has set boundaries for her own preservation. But her boundaries are very rigid and her boundaries mean NO contact at all, unless she feels like it or unless she is desperate for a baby-sitter. Her boundaries mean she doesn’t have to help me in any way, even if I’m sick and alone, her boundaries mean she can discuss something with me and then in the middle of it, but me off and she remains silent and refuses to hear me out. Her boundaries mean she is allowed to scream, shout, cry and say what she likes, but I can’t say anything back. I don’t know how to handle this. I get heartbroken when she cuts me off like this from her and the children. I am an ACoA. I am trying to work through my own issues and I am very ill and I live alone. There are times I really need help. She does not want to help me with anything. She says she wants to move on from our past and build a new relationship, but to be with her is like walking on glass. You never know when you’re going to do something wrong and then she will cut you off. We don’t spend time together, so it’s impossible to build anything new. I have said sorry and asked for forgiveness for the mistakes I made and how I let her down. I have explained where I was and who I was at the time. I am loving towards her. I praise her when she does well. I encourage her. I offer to help her, but she always refuses. Please can you advise me.


    • Lyn, I’m sorry to hear about the painful relationship with your daughter. Trying to stay connected to her under the circumstances is only adding stress to your life. She has made it clear she needs space & it seems best that you let go.

      I had to stop communicating with my parents for several years, but I was going to Al-Anon every day to heal. It sounds like your daughter is not in recovery so there’s no way for you to bridge the gap.

      Being alone is hard with illness. I wonder if there are other sources of help in your community – other groups, via a hospital or thru the internet. Perhaps, which is a social networking org. would help with loneliness & boredom. Depending on your location, see what kinds of topics there are in your area.

      Also, Al-anon is available by phone, several times a day & includes people from all over the country. Look up ‘phone meeting – al-anon’


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