COMMUNICATION Categories – Ways (Part 6)

to be listening to me!

PREVIOUS: Comm categories #5


CATEGORIZING Communication (Comm) cont.
7a. Re. Mechanical Networks  /// 7b. Re. Human Networks  

8. Re. WAYS to ENGAGE in communication
Level 1: Messages into the Ether
Snail mail, email & texting have some things in common. They’re sent out, & a response can sometimes take days or weeks. Since they’re not conversational (back & forth) there can be a high level of misunderstanding, possibly leading to hurt feelings, even fights.

Level 2: Back & forth Messaging
It’s conversational, but still done remotely (IM, text….). Such exchanges are more casual & direct, so confusion is less likely, since one or both can catch distortions or misses with each reply.
However, its bite-size style means it’s not well-suited to discussing complex issues.

Level 3: A Verbal Dialogue
Here participants get to express their opinions directly, plus adding a whole layer of implied info via Para-language. These can hint at excitement, pleasure, peacefulness OR annoyance, frustration, stress…. that are harder to detect in writing. A drawback is that they often require scheduling, but sometimes things need to be cleared up quickly via phone.

Level 4: In-Person Spontaneous Discussion
When something important comes up unexpectedly, we might decide to get together with the others person. Spontaneous discussions can be effective for problem-solving, getting an immediate need met or making a plan. Benefits come from adding a new level of mutual understanding & co-operation. But it doesn’t always work – discomfort with spontaneity, lack of privacy, the other person being too busy or not in the mood…. can get in the way.

Level 5: In-Person Scheduled Discussion
What makes this level special is the mutual agreement to set time aside.
Planning doedn’t have to make the meeting Formal, but gives both parties time to think about the topic. Successful & dynamic interactions (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime… OR office conference, private dinner….) come from combining self-awareness, non-verbal intelligence & privacy, to ensure comfort & trust. (From )

VALUE: Observing admired leaders, we can see that good comm. judgment is very important to their success.
EXP:  knowing what
can be done at Level 2, versus what must be done at Level 5 – & doing it – is a sign of sound leadership instinct, as well as knowing what to expect in personal relationships.

9. Re. PMES Categories
: Talking about anything of mutual interest – world news, sports, weather…. It’s superficial but truly useful, allowing us to function among acquaintances & strangers without burdening them with TMI about our life.  It also helps determine whether someone is neutral, a potential friend or enemy

✒︎MENTAL: Talking about facts, helpful tips, ideas, non-controversial beliefs, plans & strategies, as in professional conversations. Unfortunately, some people go out of their way to be the ‘best’ at it, so that no one is smarter, wittier or more knowledgeable, & they never have to be wrong.

The distance between the first two levels is relatively short. Polite conversation can turn into a mentally stimulating one very quickly & then collapse back into small talk or none at all – without discomfort. Except for conversations with a controlling know-it-all, these two levels are safe.

✒︎EMOTIONAL: Here talk is about aspirations, fears, wants, needs & joys. Sometimes eyes well up, lips quiver, & the voice chokes. Other times those same eyes light up, heart pounds & words flow with joy, or fail from awe.

• The distance between #1 & 2 AND #3 is rather wide, because #3 requires intimacy, transparency, trust & vulnerability. Most of us are afraid of being wrong or looking foolish, & absolutely terrified of rejection.
Participating at this level opens us to possible rejection, hurt & being scarred. Over-all, this level is easier for women to navigate, partly because expressing emotions is more socially acceptable, & because a portion of women’s Corpus Callosum is thicker than men’s, perhaps allowing more access across the hemispheres emotions to be verbalized  (MORE….)

✒︎SPIRITUAL. This is the hardest to identify & describe, not only because our culture is so secular, but because few people are willing to drop down into the level of faith – for themselves – much less to speak of it to others.
It melts away push-pull, give-take win-lose, me-you. There are no distortions from emotional mental or social games, allowing for the highest level of resonance, creating an energetic embrace that sustains & heals.

‼️ Understanding all these forms of comm allows us to identify & then choose which is most appropriate for any given situation.
It can be too easy to go down the path of least resistance, but that can get us into trouble, so it’s important to be more thoughtful about how & when we communicate.
It’s better to do it the right way – focusing on our goals & using whichever level will help us get there.

NEXT: Psych Disorders #1

COMMUNICATION Categories – Types (Part 2)

I GET ALONG BEST with people who get me

PREVIOUS: Communication, #1

QUOTE: “A man’s character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation.”  ~ Mark Twain

↗️ “FORIGN STUDENTS” designed & created by DMT

CATEGORIES of Communication (Comm) cont.
1. Re. CONTENT (in Part 1 a & b)

2. Re.
AVAILABILITY to self & others
The Johari Window works best for groups because it allows for self-awareness & useful feedback. It can also be used to track the growth of an individual, in their progress towards intimacy in 1-to-1 relationships.

Even when we decide to take the risk of being open with others, doing so fully is much scarier & more complicated than most will admit. The chart shows what people know or don’t know about themselves, & what they reveal or don’t reveal to others.

JOHARI Windows  explained ➡️
GREEN: Initially, what is known & shared with others will be very small – should be!

⬅️ The longer 2 people or a group interact, the more the ‘windows’ change size for the better – IF they are reasonable healthy & well-meaning. The larger the Open section, the better the communication.

3. Re. FORMS of Comm.
a. Verbal – using words to deliver an intended message. While it’s still the most successful form, this makes up only @ 7-20% of all human comm! Effectiveness depends on clarity, grammar, vocabulary & writing style, plus the skillful use of the other 80%
• Written: brochures, contracts, formal business proposals, handbooks, memos, press releases…..
• Oral : face-to-face, phone, text, voice chat, video conferencing …. Can be either Informal, such as the grapevine & rumor mill, arguing a topic…. or Formal, such as conferences, debates, lectures….

b. Visual Aids: Use of color, drawings & illustrations, media, graphic design, typography…. Graphs & charts reinforce anything written, or can replace it altogether.

c. Para-language (non-verbal/gestural) : Physical ways to convey thoughts & feelings – the way something is said – such as expressing approval, interest or lack of it.
It includes emotion, intonation, pitch, style of speaking, stress, tone, voice quality & touch. Some research estimates tone of the voice accounts for 38% of all comm, 55% is from body posture & gestures, & only 7% from the actual words used. (MORE….)

EXP of shortcuts • shrugging = “I don’t know”
• crooking a finger = asking someone to come closer
• holding a hand up = stop / back off / enough
• laughing = I agree / I identify -OR- I think that’s ridiculous
• looking away =  I’m thinking -OR-  I’m lying / withholding
• patting = I empathize / “Poor dear”…
• tapping = Hello / Pay attention
• tone of voice = pleasure at seeing someone, – OR-
displeasure / anger about something
• wagging a finger = saying “naughty, naughty”

Other FORMS can also express one’s personality, social status & taste :
▸ Aesthetic comm & creative expressions – dancing, art work….
▸ Appearance, & style of dressing/ grooming
▸ Space language – owning paintings & landscapes
▸ Symbols – any religious or ego-building images
(From: Bright Hub Project Management)

Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts – so inter-actions between them create new connections. The result is not just another ‘part’, but the most catalytic, empowering, unifying & exciting outcome.(CHART)

LOW-Trust: These interactions are expressed thru defensive, over-protective & often legalistic language – used to ‘covers all the bases’, to indicate escape clauses & qualifiers (if…then) – in case things ‘go south’

MIDDLE: This is ‘careful’ communication, used by average/normal people, who have respect for each other, & want to avoid the possibility of ugly confrontations, so they’re polite rather than emphatic or confrontive. They might understand each other intellectually, but are not likely aware of their own underlying patterns & assumptions, so aren’t really open to new possibilities available from connecting with others

HIGH: Synergy allows interactions with creative solutions offered by others that are much better than any available at the lower levels. Here all participant know it, feel it & enjoy the outcome – practical, emotional &/or artistic. It means that 1+1 may equal 8, 16, or even 1,600. The possibility of truly significant gains & improvements in such relationships are so real that it’s worth the risk to let oneself welcome the unknown. 

NEXT: Comm Categories #3