LIARS & the EYES (#4)

PREVIOUS : LIARS & the BODY (Part 3)

SITE : “How to Read People’s Eye Direction and Behavior”


Eye Contact is among the most basic ways of social communication used by humans. In Western Cultures people tend to make eye contact 45-65 % of the time while talking, & 65-85% of the time while listening.
• Too little eye contact indicates the person is avoiding telling you something.
• Too much can mean they’re trying to convince you that what they’re saying is true.
Watch their eye direction. A person may have a favorite side – left, right, up, or down – when thinking of something. Any dramatic shift can alert you the a listener that they might be stressed or anxious.

The MOVEMENT of someone’s EYES shows what part of the brain they’re accessing. 
Estimating a subject’s looking-direction is a challenge, but eye contact can now be effectively captured by a wearable point-of-view camera.  One group of scientists developed a deep neural network model to automatically detect eye contact in egocentric video, the first to achieve accuracy equivalent to human experts.
You can tell if someone is constructing made-up information or genuinely recalling what actually happened – by which direction their eyes move to. ⬇️ Chart : as you look at someone

FEAR micro-expression are closely linked to shock. When we’re scared & widen our eyes, our field of view increases. This lets us see any threats that might lurk nearby.
A 1996 study found that when we see someone showing fear on their face – obviously or by micro-expression – we too may feel frightened. EXP – watching an actor in a scary movie makes us feel anxious in reaction, triggered by mirror neuron activity in our amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for emotions such as fear

Watch for Eye-blinking Changes
There’s some truth to the saying, “The eyes are the window to the soul”,  especially when it comes to spotting deception.
When someone is lying, it’s common for them to stare into your eyes & avoid breaking eye contact, “gauging” if you believe them or not – in an effort to control & manipulate.

The Science: Researchers have evaluated various physical measures. In one case, they wanted to determine if changes in eye blinks could be used to detect a person’s false intention. The study concluded that eye blink rate decreases when lying. After lying has finished, that person will tend to yawn & blink more, to refresh their eyes. 

The Key: However, some will blink more when they’re lying. To become a more accurate lie-spotter pay attention to how someone normally blinks, & then compare.   So look for inconsistencies.
If someone is usually an eye-contact champion but suddenly seems like they’re tracking a fly buzzing around the room, or staring at you so hard you wonder if they’re competing with you, that’s your cue. Or vice versa. It’s all about changes in behavior.

Baseline their eyebrow movements.
Are they expressive, free?  OR – look for a combination of HINTs:
• brows stay motionless like a tree stump
• brows are raised & drawn together, usually in a flat line
• upper eyelid is raised, but lower lid is tense & drawn up
• upper white part of the eyes is showing, but not the lower white
• forehead wrinkles are in center between the brows, not across


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