PREVIOUS : LIARS & the BODY (Part 1)

SITE : “Nonverbal Communication and Body Language



✒︎ Grooming behavior  – playing with / twirling hair, pressing fingers to lips, picking at or brushing off imaginary lint, rubbing excess sweat off back of neck

✒︎  Indifferent or bored posture  – to avoid expressing their emotions. Crossing arms at chest – as self-protection. A rigid stance can be a red flag, since small, relaxed, automatic movements are natural in a truthful conversation

✒︎ Pulling the center of their body inward (concave).  Shrugging one or both shoulders – trying to make themself smaller & less noticeable. Movements can be stiff & awkward

✒︎ Putting barrier-objects between self & another person, on lap if sitting….. When you hit a nerve in a liar they instinctively cover vulnerable body parts (throat or neck, chest, stomach area)

✒︎ HEAD : suddenly jerks head away when asked a direct question abut a lie. Breathing can become rapid & labored

Watch The NECKTelling a lie doesn’t always come from the mouth. It can get stuck in the neck on the way down (from the brain), making that a great hotspot to notice deception.

If a person touches their neck, it can indicate increased sweat from anxiety about being caught. If they’re wearing a collar, they might instead tug at or adjust it, to seem less obvious.
The act of lying has been found to cause tingling in facial & neck tissues, so a liar will scratch their neck to soothe it, on an average of 5x whenever it itches – rarely more, rarely less.

✒︎ FACE : Touching the face, as if trying to calm themself down. Changing color to a light shade of pink, or blushing.

Mouth is open, with lips slightly tensed or stretched & drawn back.  Watch a person’s smiles — being genuine always includes the entire face, with crow’s feet at the corners of eyes, & contracted cheek muscles.

But when lying : lips are pressed together or are being bitten. The smile looks forced or tense (not from pleasure or as a welcome), & it “does not reach the eyes” which show other emotions such as anger, contempt, disgust, or fear

Other hints :  Swallowing or yawning, voice getting shallower as they breathe heavier. If they’re smoking or chewing gum, it’ll likely to be at a faster pace. Putting a pen or pencil in mouth, chewing on a fingernail, tapping teeth….

The liar may unconsciously cover their mouth to avoid answering a question – an indirect form of dishonesty, or place the hand near it, as if to prevent a lie coming out, which stops communication.

✒︎ HANDS : People tend to fidget the lying, which is a displacement activity that indicates nervous energy. EXP: turn a ring, bracelet watch. Wring their hands, or if sitting, rub palms on pant legs. Chatter with fingertips or hide hands.

It’s very hard to lie with gestures. Say “3” but hold up 4 fingers. However, liars get defensive when caught, which can make them waive their arms, or point a lot with an arm or finger to try to con others into believe their point.
EXP: When asked about Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton clearly looked to his left – as he lied – but pointed directly ahead with his arm. This gesturing disconnect is a surefire symptom.

✒︎ FEET : When people lie, nervous behavior shows by their feet doing a little dance, often unconsciously. This could include squirming, tapping, wrapping one foot around the other, or Pointing in a direction away from the conversation – toward an available exit.

Some may cross their ankles, then pull their feet under the chair. Some alternate crossing legs at the knees & then at the ankles.

Nitty-Gritty: The feet are generally considered the most honest part of the body – because people rarely try to control their feet when spinning a tall tale.  It’s psychological “leakage” when hidden feelings are repressed or hidden, & feet are a main body part for this leakage.

Disclaimer: Fidgety feet don’t always indicate lying. Instead they may indicate boredom, discomfort, or a need to move. But when combined with other suspect cues, they’re a helpful hint.


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